Halloween crafts can be used to change the look of an individual or a place. For example, a young girl can dress up in Stephanie costume, while box town can be enlarged to give your place the look of a haunted home, easily. Make use of Halloween colors including black and orange, for the handmade candles. Use Sherlock Holmes hat and stuffed white snake as accessories and props for your Halloween costume party. Some of the popular Halloween crafts are box town for children, handmade candles, jack o lantern pumpkin carving, Sherlock Holmes hat, Stephanie Halloween costume and stuffed white snake. In this section, we have given the information on making the bizarre and fun Halloween crafts.
Box Town for Children
A box town for children demands a little creativity, which can turn trash into a most beautiful art piece. Mainly a kindergarten craft, it is a fun to create and requires minimal effort. This box town can be used as part of a science model as well as an arts and crafts display.
Handmade Candles
Working with wax as a hobby can be fun and can be profitable, as they can make beautiful, yet inexpensive gifts. Candle making is not difficult for a beginner to learn. It only requires little creativity. You can anytime melt the wax down and start over, for this craft. There are varied kits for candle making available in market, which you can even use for making your candles.
Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Carving
A popular Halloween craft, Jack O Lantern pumpkin carving is sure to make a good impression on your friends, neighbors and relatives. Carving pumpkin in this pattern is the traditional way of doing it. It is very easy and only takes a few essential tools. Babies, toddlers and smaller kids will love to help you in making this Jack-o-lantern
Sherlock Holmes Hat
If it is Father's Day or your brother's birthday and you want to gift him something different this time, then the idea of making a crochet hat, just like one that Sherlock Holmes used to wear, seems to be quite impressive. Making the hat requires some basic stitches, such as chain stitch, slipstitch, single crochet and double crochet.
Stephanie Halloween Costume
Stephanie is a popular character from Lazy Town, a children television series. She is an 8-year-old cute little girl, with pink hair, pink outfits and pink accessories. She is the niece of the mayor of Lazy Town. If, on this year's Halloween party, you want to dress up as Stephanie, start making the costume right away.
Stuffed White Snake
Stuffed toy is the favorite of almost every child, be it a boy or a girl. Not only for playing, they can also be used for decorating your house as well. According to Japanese tradition, a white snake is believed to bring wealth and prosperity. So, why not make a stuffed white snake for your kids, which can simply sit coiled in your house